Track project expenses
Generate Quotes & Invoices

Simple project management and invoicing software for small businesses & freelancers.



Use Fineval for generating Quotes, Invoices or for easy Project management.

Let’s see, how does Project work.

Create a Project

A project acts as a wrapper for quotes, invoices, and expenses.
You can quickly create projects for your clients by simply filling in basic information such as project name, year, and client.

Fineval projects
Fineval project items

Add Items to the Project.

Then, all you need to do is create revenue or cost rows in your project items table. Here, you can fill in your revenue rows, which will later be transformed into quotes or invoices, and fill in your cost rows, which will be used to calculate profit and margins for the project.

Create Quote or Invoice

When the time comes, you can easily generate a quote or invoice from your project and send it to your client.

Fineval invoices


Most endorsed Features

Fineval Feature

Revenue vs. Costs

Receivables and Payables in one place, so you know what is ahead of you.

Fineval Feature

Quotes & Invoices

Create Quotes and Invoices directly or from Project management

Fineval Feature


All for free, no strings attached.

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